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TOP 10 Miastoszpeciciel 2014 | Face...
Painting with Skateboards, Matt Rei...
And speaking of play-as-performance...Matt Reilly of the art performance/band Japanther "adds paint to the wheels of his board and skates directly...
Math is logical, functional and just … awesome. Mathemagician Arthur Benjamin explores hidden properties of that weird and wonderful set of numbers, the Fibonacci series. (And reminds you that mathematics can be inspiring, too!)
The magic of Fibonacci numbers
Math is logical, functional and just ... awesome. Mathemagician Arthur Benjamin explores hidden properties of that weird and wonderful set of numb...
Grzegorz Turnau - Tutaj Jestem
Music video by Grzegorz Turnau performing Tutaj Jestem. (P) 1997 The copyright in this audiovisual recording is owned by EMI Music Poland Sp. z o.o.�...
Summer - A short movie by Valerie T...
In June 2011 french filmmaker Valerie Toumayan and artist Linnea Olsson decided to work together on a unique project. The aim was to make a short ...
To następny dowód na upadek zawod...
To następny dowód na upadek zawodu architekta....
To następny dowód na upadek zawod...
To następny dowód na upadek zawodu architekta....
Robert Crumb - A Short History of A...
Robert Crumb - A Short History of America...